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Summer Flowers
Rich & Bold Flower Arrangement in Angier, NC | JABEZ FLORISTRY
Rich & Bold
Flower Arrangement
Enjoy the colors of the season with beautiful yellow lilies, orange gerberas, High Magic roses, and purple carnations. Strong, bold lines and rich, colorful flowers make a great impression in this arrangement.
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Lighthearted Hues Vase Arrangement in Angier, NC | JABEZ FLORISTRY
Lighthearted Hues
Vase Arrangement
Spring is in the air, and hearts are full of promises. With its breezy blues and yellows of gerberas, hydrangeas, roses, tulips, and more, this arrangement is bursting with life. Order Lighthearted Hues today.
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Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
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The sizzling summer sun is here to stay! Enjoy it safely inside with the addition of bright and cheery summer flowers. Send sunflowers, golden-yellow daisies, princess-pink carnations, or any other summertime favorite. You deserve a fun summer treat, and flowers are 0 calories! Need to send flowers to a friend or loved one out of town? No problem, JABEZ FLORISTRY in Angier can help! Simply stop by, give us a call or shop online, JABEZ FLORISTRY is glad to help!